We’ve gotten some questions regarding the ingredients we use in our CBD Lip Game, namely us using Petrolatum.
Jenna has always used Vaseline for various dry skin conditions, especially dry chapped lips, because of it’s serious soothing and healing factors. Vaseline contains Petrolatum, which has gotten a bad rap in the skincare industry for reasons beyond effect. The truth is, our FITISH products, as well as Vaseline, go through a rigorous refining and purifying process, ridding the Petrolatum oil of any and all harmful chemicals. Andrew Weil, MD: "In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration monitors the purification of petrolatum to ensure against carcinogenic contamination. Furthermore, petroleum jelly has not been identified as a carcinogen by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the National Toxicology Program." To amplify the healing factors, Jenna especially wanted to add in the CBD to help with any inflammation. This has caused the CBD Lip Game to even stop cold sores dead in it’s tracks!
We understand that skincare all comes down to personal choice, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with avoiding ingredients such as petrolatum. Us at FITISH, however, we’ll continue healing our lips safely and reaping the full benefits with our CBD Lip Game!