How much water should you be drinking?
Jenna Owens
It feels like we've been told forever that we have to have 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water per day. Not the easiest task. Yes, it's true that your skin is the largest organ in your body and staying hydrated will help in all sorts of ways when it comes to your health. However, you need to stop stressing about getting 64 ounces in. No two people are the same. Someone who regularly partakes in 100-degree hot workouts + parties a ton requires a different amount than the sober, sedentary person. You are also getting water from the foods you eat and of course, the other things you drink, yes this includes coffee. Before you get carried away, this doesn't mean you can get away with only drinking coffee and ranch waters, but it does mean you don't need as much as you think. As far as your skin health goes, water does wonders. It helps to flush out toxins that have to get out somehow. If your liver + kidneys are not functioning well, the bad will come out through your skin. Think breakouts after a long weekend of indulging and lots of booze with little water to support. An easy way to check on your skin's hydration level is to pinch it. Does the skin take a second to get back to place? Do you wake up with marks on your face from your bedding? These little things mean your skin is thirsty. Your body will tell you if you need more water, don't worry about the math. We also make it easier and more convenient with our new water bottle. 36 ounces to be exact!