OUR TV FAVES June 02, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Money Heist An unusual group of robbers attempt to carry out the riskiest robbery in Spanish history - stealing over a billion euros from the Royal Mint of...
SKINTUITION May 26, 2020Elena Alvarez ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOUR SKIN? BY JENNA PAGE OWENS Your skin is probably trying to tell you something. Trusting your intuition and paying attention to the “little voice" in your head...
THESE ARE A FEW OF OUR FAVES April 29, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Another week. What can we do about that? Let’s dive right into some FITISH faves… Check out the details below! New Age NC Naturals Gemstone Electric Lamp This beautiful...
ALL OF OUR FAVORITES THIS WEEK! April 15, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Hope your week is off to a great start! We are sharing some more of our favorite things and helping you keep your mind & body healthy at...
MORE OF OUR FITISH FAVES March 30, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Social distancing will stay in place… This is your reminder to relax and make it FITISH. We are obsessed with these things right now… Check it out! Acrylic...
QUARANTINEDISH 14 DAYS March 18, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM We are doing 14 days of quarantinedish content on Instagram. Follow us for workouts, skincare tips, makeup tutorials, recipes & more.
FAVES WE ENJOY FROM THE COUCH March 17, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Confining yourself to your couch or practicing 'social distancing' may be necessary, but we are helping you keep your mind & body healthy at home this week! Reveler Slim Everscoll...
CATCH US IN AUSTIN NEXT WEEK March 10, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM *This event has been cancelled due to the climate around COVOID-19 and postponed until April 2020. We will post updates once details are finalized. Join us Wednesday, March 18th from 6-9PM at Neighborhood...
THESE ARE A FEW OF OUR FITISH FAVES March 03, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Another week. What can we do about that? Let’s dive right into some FITISH faves… We're seeing subtle signs of spring and want to make your day a...
REVIEW: BEFORE AND AFTER February 19, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM @mlbcheller: EVERYONE should be using this product. After going to the doctor and dermatologist for over a year to treat the rash on my neck it only took @thefitish...
THIS WEEK'S FITISH FAVES February 18, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Hope your week is off to a great start! FITISH will be sharing some of our favorite things of late. We are obsessed with these particular things right now…. and maybe...
VALENTINE’S DAY GIFT GUIDE: FITISH FAVES EDITION February 10, 2020Jenna Owens BY FITISH TEAM Struggling with what to get someone for Valentine’s Day this year? Girls are funny, because we all like tons of things, but you really want to nail that...